Wednesday, January 28, 2009

clever doctor

this is a story that i read long time ago. hahahaha

so one day a married couple datang lah to this doctor and told their problem. the couple's problem was the wife couldn't have baby. but the husband was fine. his sperms were fertile but the wife got a problem.

"cana tah ni, doc? aku inda dapat beanak ah. balik2 dah kami mencuba, sampai hubby lalah," she explained.

"eh banar wah? ani masalah besar ni." replied the doctor.

then the doctor explained that the wife was gonna die in two months. because of she had a problem with her reproductive system.

so the couple pun sedih lah. for two months atu, the wife barutah sadar kan ingati tuhan. selera makan pun kurang. macam dulu macam lampuh, then kurus. apakan. paham u? me pun.

anyways, after two months atu, the wife didnt die as what the doctor expected. so the couple went to see the doctor lagi.

"ah, welcome back!" welcomed the doctor.

"apakan. alum jua ku mati ni," complained the wife.

"yeah, i lied. but your previous problem is solved," explained the doctor.

"maksud u?" asked the wife.

"inda. anu bah. kau inda kan mati. it's just the sperms entrance to the ovum atu blocked by the your own fats bah. iatah. so i told u, u were gonna die. i know if urang tau kan mati, selera makan kamu bekurangan. iatah. paham u? me pun," explained the doctor.

"banar. banar," she agreed.

so the couple tried lagi and then the wife got pregnant. dapat twins tah plg nah. yeah, kuasa tuhan.

the end

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