Monday, November 17, 2008


well i have two theories pasal dream ani based on my own experience lah

1. u think of it, u dream of it

that night, i've watched be kind rewind. first i thought movie ani pasal durg dapat rewind their time. apakan. but when i watched, boring ani wah. so i slept.. i remember that i dreamt pasal ppbs hang out somewhere lah duduk2 on the streets. di bandar kali. skali ada cgu hamid datang marahi nya kami. sudah atu siringku c bahrin. liatkannya ada remote anikan. katanya boleh balik semula. so aku pkir which time aku mau balik semula, "1 day before or 2 days before??" skali c bahrin ckp balik semula the time before cgu hamid dtg. i said ok. haahhaha like inda pedah jua tu. baru jua skjp. so kami bent the time pakai remote ah. the we suddenty became invisible. masatu kami masuk arah bangunan. skali ada c aiman. mcm tau ya kami invisible ah. majal lah kan di pgang nya kami ah. skali c bahrin lari tinggal aku sorg sama c aiman. well c aiman inda plg nampak aku. maybe dapat cium bau kali. hahha sekali lupaku. ada lah tu. as a conclusion, what i thought before i went to sleep jadi ke mimpi

2. u watch it, u dream of it.

that night, i watched police academy. lupa ku which one. so lama lah aku meliat police academy ah until i tetidur. what i remember is that, i've been chased by some guys. bad guys kali, aku the good guy. inda clear bah that dream. well, durg chased tah aku, then masa aku mimpi atu aku fikir lah, "nada durg dapat aku ni eh. aku bakas liat police academy, ada experience kaliah," something like that. well atu saja. as a conclusion, what i watched before i went to sleep jadi ke mimpi. so if u watch porn sebelum tidur ada tah wet dream kali, i've never tried plg. maybe later ;p

tapi these kind of dreams only happen with one condition.

masa kamu meliat movies apa before tidur mesti kamu tetidur. mcm u didnt expect to tetidur. paham u? me pun. i dont know if my theories ani lurus or inda. maybe ikut kehendak Ilahi. ;D

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